Friday, November 17, 2006

Oh, we're so very, very bad.

Our friends over at Shooting People are currently hosting a short film competition to mark the launch of Destricted, the "most controversial and sexually explicit film ever to receive an 18 certificate from the BBFC." (It's a British thing.)

Part of the intent behind the competition is to continue pushing at the boundaries of what constitutes art vs. pornography and what is a "certifiable" onscreen depiction in the UK - and the contest guidelines include some interesting delineations of how that's currently defined.

Given that intent, it's no surprise that some of the works are a bit outrageous for the sake of outrageousness. And several more have that horribly annoying trait of somehow equating kinky sex (or mere sex) with severe mental dysfunction (and/or castration, take your pick.)

But several are quite hot and lovely, such as Eva Midgley's Footsie. And all are definitely worth a quick look-see.

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Sissies Gone Wild!!!

All these many days since CineKink NYC, you've been pining for still another dose of Sissies Gone Wild (aka CineKink Trailer 2006) and here it is!

With many thanks to our on-screen phenoms - Sissy Carol, Sissy Stephanie and Sissy Terri - and to the editorial genius, Steve Ovenden, for bringing our tender creative visions into such vivid existence. Just try to get this ditty out of your head!

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Pony up for Trigger

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Well-known to audiences of Elizabeth Elson's CineKink award-winning documentary, Born in a Barn, Trigger the Human Equine recently had to undergo emergency surgery for a rare disease, necrotizing fascitis, more sensationally known as "flesh-eating bacteria."

While Trigger seems to be well on the mend, he's also facing staggering medical expenses and a fund has been set up to accept donations to help cover them.

Pony up, every little bit counts!

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