Monday, March 26, 2007

COPA smackdown!

Last week a federal judge struck down the Child Online Protection Act, ruling that it was overly broad and unconstitutional. As reported in the New York Times: “Despite my personal regret at having to set aside yet another attempt to protect our children from harmful material,” Judge Reed wrote, he was blocking the law out of concern that “perhaps we do the minors of this country harm if First Amendment protections, which they will with age inherit fully, are chipped away in the name of their protection.”

The decision is the result of a legal challenge, filed by the ACLU and several other plaintiffs, which had been underway since shortly after COPA became law in 1998. Under the provisions of COPA , websites would face severe penalties for failing to restrict access to "materials harmful to minors," with such a broad definition as to go beyond the usual (already suspect) standards of obscenity to possibly include mere nudity.

(Alright, we know the old adage about laws and sausages, but we just had to look. Here's an actual COPA passage: "...depicts, describes, or represents, in a manner patently offensive with respect to minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, an actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual act, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals or post-pubescent female breast; and...")

With the growth of web-based video sites and online distribution, the ruling is a definite positive, not just for our friends in the porn adult entertainment industry, but for every filmmaker looking to push even the slightest provocative edge - "Oh, my. Is that a post-pubescent female breast?!?" - in their work.

But before you start getting too jiggy on the internet, keep in mind that, despite seeming beliefs to the contrary, a particularly onerous obscenity provision of the Communications Decency Act still remains on the books, along with the lingering possibility of receiving an unexpected and most unwelcome greeting from a western Pennsylvia-based prosecutor's office.

And, of course, there's all that 2257 rigamoral to be sorted out.

But still, a smackdown is a smackdown. Prost!

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Carnival of Cinema - Episode XXIII!

Our recent SxSWing escapades are part of this week's Carnival of Cinema, over at Nehring the Edge.

Jump in for another great mix of filmic thoughts and reviews.

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Monday, March 19, 2007


There's nothing like a 25-hour trip home through frigid conditions to blur recent memories of a week spent knocking about spring-like Texas, especially when those recollections might have already been made hazy by a week of tequila and BBQ.

After a few days of sleep, however, it's all starting to come back to us. We arrived in Austin to learn that our panel, Sex Scenes Stay Hard, was being touted as a "must-do" in the local media. It took us several days to tackle our resultant stage fright, but by the time we finally faced a room packed with attendees eagerly anticipating tidbits of uproariously naughty wisdom, our nerves had been reduced to a minor frog lodged at the back of our throat.

We were definitely comforted that the panel also featured other actual experts on the topic of shooting sex scenes - directors Bryan Poyser, Joe Swanberg and John Cameron Mitchell (who coyly avoided any acknowledgement of completely coopting our intended career trajectory), along with producer Lisa Thrasher of POWER UP. You can see a few video excerpts here, but generally the discussion touched upon the frequent conflict between sex and narrative, the importance of making cast comfortable and ensuring a connection between them, and the hypocrisy of a society that seemingly doesn't question the depiction of violence, no matter how extreme, yet goes into a tizzy fit over the presence of a mere bare breast. As time flew by, the topics of ratings, obscenity laws and 2257 requirements were probably given shorter shrift than they deserve, but we're just happy we somehow managed to work the word "cunninlingus" into the conversation, since now that we know how to pronounce it, we just can't seem to say it often enough.

Other excitements at SXSW included meeting up with several in the flesh representatives from the CineKinkster blogroll. We probably spent more time in Austin with the lovely, cupcake-wielding Rachel Kramer Bussel than we've ever pulled off in NYC, after she appeared on one of the (strangely?) most controversial panels of the interactive conference, Do You Blog on the First Date? We had the pleasure of finally meeting both Violet Blue and Cory Silverberg, who were speaking on Sex and Computational Technology. (Teledildonics? Now there's another great word!) And we encountered the delightful Seska Lee, in town for Pay Up! Should Publishers Choose the Porn Path?, whose Seska 4 Lovers was previously unknown to us, but whom we eventually recognized from an episode of HBO's porn-related something-or-whichever.

And movies? There were marathon days of great screenings, including a few on the CineKink scouting roster: Zoo, a beautifully shot if perhaps overly tasteful retelling of one man's death from having sex with a horse, and Pretty in the Face, a tender narrative about porn, sex toys and opening up to one's own sexuality. But for our money, the kinkiest of them all by far was Helvetica, a documentary look at the twisted world of compulsive typography fetishists.

Many thanks to the ever-gracious Matt Dentler - how does he manage to be in so many places at the same time? - and Jarod Neece for the wonderful time and for SXSW's sex-positive inclusivity. We're already looking forward to coming back again next year. (Please?!?)

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Friday, March 09, 2007

Would you like some pizza, little girl?

Many thanks to everyone who braved the wind chill and came out for our premiere screening party at Pioneer Theater. Hot kink and hot pizza!

We were graced with the presence of a sissy gone merely semi-wild, Sissy Stephanie, which may be her weekday mode. And friends old and new packing the house.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Since it was soooo very cold, we spent extra time in the lobby, waiting for folks to arrive.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

We miss all the cool parties

Well, not all of them. Last night's CineKink shindig at the Pioneer was a fabulous time, even if we didn't have any naked people. That we know of, anyway. And it's not like we never have naked people at our parties, but...anyway, Saturday night was the big release party for CineKink alum Audacia Ray's brand new porn opus, The Bi Apple. A party that apparently featured many naked people.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

For Audacia, who produced and moderated the panel, The State of Smut: NYC for last fall's CineKink NYC, the new project represents her move from in front of the camera to producing and directing. As chronicled in her blog, Waxing Vixen, that move included many of the perils and tribulations one might encounter making independent movies of the non-explicit kind - excepting, of course, for all of those naked people. From a recently posted Q&A with her production manager:

This being a much smaller set, I didn’t really have the luxury of sitting around and doing any one thing for any length of time. I had all the bookkeeping responsibilities of a production manager, but when I wasn’t up to my elbows in receipts and model waivers, I was helping the PAs schlep cases of bottled water or holding the ladder for the set designer or setting up the lighting and backdrop for the photographer or installing an air conditioner or ordering lunch or, after several hours of frenetic activity, finding the coolest room in that sauna of a set that I possibly could and sitting with most of the crew in utter silence for an hour or two so that you could make smu.. er, art in a room down the hall. And occasionally bitching at the director for going overbudget.

It's an interesting, ongoing discussion of the process and you'll find many of Audacia's moviemaking experiences of the past year, now moving into the distribution phase, detailed in the blog.

Along, of course, with many pictures of naked people.

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Best of CineKink @ Pioneer

Join us for kink, pizza and beer as the Pioneer Theater welcomes us for a special "Tuesdays@7" presentation...

Tuesday, March 6th - 7 pm

Two Boots Pioneer Theater
155 E. Third Street (@ Avenue A), NYC

"The Best of CineKink"
A special screening of hot shorts deemed the very best of CineKink. The jury-selected awards were determined during the latest run of CineKink NYC, which took place October 17-22, 2006. Program includes:

A beer and pizza reception follows the screening for all ticket holders.

More info and tickets are here!

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Yeah, what is our perversion?!?

Tune in today, Friday, March 2, as the RadioChick takes on CineKink's Lisa Vandever in a wild game of "What's My Perversion?!?" (Yeah, yeah - we hear you. Shouldn't that be "What's NOT my perversion?!?")

The RadioChick Show on Free FM

That's TODAY - March 2nd @ 5 pm

92.3 FM in NYC or listen via the the FreeFM website.

Call in at (866)313-FREE.

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